With our efficient online learning modules in the area of data protection management and information security, you increase the professional security competence in your company.
For this purpose, in addition to our customised on-site training courses, we offer you a web-based basic training course that conveys basic knowledge and the concepts. The learner is immersed in a colourful world of the topic and receives the knowledge in stages in a playful and appealing way.
If desired, learning content can also be prepared individually for you, which fits 100% to you and your requirements.
Unser Ziel lautet: Training soll sich nicht mehr nach Training anfühlen, sondern begeistern!
Online Competence Training
Get started immediately with ready-made e-learning content!
Interested? Do you still have open questions? We look forward to hearing from you and will process your enquiry as quickly as possible.
Data Protection EU GDPR
The training “EU GDPR – The World of Personal Data” is a basic training that conveys basic knowledge and the concepts of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The learner dives into the colourful world of personal data and receives knowledge in stages in a playful and appealing way. He also gets an overview of data protection and thus develops an understanding of its relevance. He learns about the rights of data subjects, the reporting obligations and what sanctions may be imposed in the event of data protection violations. Through small interactions in the learning world, the learner actively deals with the topic and is sensitised to it. They can test their knowledge in a final quiz.
Duration: 60-70 minutes / 9 lessons
Course, evaluation, certificate and traceability
The course is delivered via an online platform. Upon completion, all graduates receive a course certificate. If required, the person responsible for the training can request an evaluation of the results of all course participants in compliance with the data protection guidelines. This gives you the greatest possible assurance that your employees know and can apply the basics of data protection in their daily work. As the person responsible, you thus fulfil the legally required obligation to provide proof.
Updating the contents
The contents of our standard courses are regularly reviewed and updated. In particular, changes in the legal requirements are taken into account.
Swiss Data Protection Act DSG
The training “DSG – The world of personal data” is a basic training that provides basic knowledge and the concepts of the new revised Swiss Data Protection Act, which will come into force on 1 September 2023. The learner dives into the colourful world of personal data and receives knowledge in stages in a playful and appealing way. He also gets an overview of data protection and thus develops an understanding of its relevance. He learns about the rights of data subjects, the reporting obligations and what sanctions may be imposed in the event of data protection violations. Through small interactions in the learning world, the learner actively deals with the topic and is sensitised to it. They can test their knowledge in a final quiz.
Duration: 60-70 minutes / 9 lessons
Course, evaluation, certificate and traceability
The course is delivered via an online platform. Upon completion, all graduates receive a course certificate. If required, the person responsible for the training can request an evaluation of the results of all course participants in compliance with the data protection guidelines. This gives you the greatest possible assurance that your employees know and can apply the basics of data protection in their daily work. As the person responsible, you thus fulfil the legally required obligation to provide proof.
Updating the contents
The contents of our standard courses are regularly reviewed and updated. In particular, changes in the legal requirements are taken into account.
Interested? Do you still have open questions? We look forward to hearing from you and will process your enquiry as quickly as possible.
Cyber Security
Interested? Do you still have open questions? We look forward to hearing from you and will process your enquiry as quickly as possible.
Cyber Security
The increasing global digital transformation has many positive effects on companies and individuals. At the same time, cyber attacks and the resulting damage are on the rise, as hackers are also using the digital transformation to find new ways to access our data. With the online training “Cyber Crime Time”, your employees will become the best asset against cyber attacks on your company. Your employees will be sensitised to cybercrime in everyday life and trained how they can best protect themselves against it. From a hacker’s perspective, you will be shown how to recognise cyber threats and take appropriate measures to circumvent them, making data and the company less vulnerable. Topics such as identity theft, media dropping and phishing are covered. Training that doesn’t feel like training.
This online training is modular and consists of the following topics:
The Game Episode #1
Take on the role of a hacker and learn the most common cyber attack techniques.
Pishing Detection Booster
Can you tell if a message is a pishing attack?
Readiness Check
Find out if your employees are prepared against cybercrime?
Working from Home
Is the workplace at home as secure as the office?
The Mysterious Cybercrime Case
In this part you have to solve a mysterious case.
Hot Topics (coming soon)
New threats are emerging every day. These trends are explored in small topics.
Pishing Detection Booster
Cyber Crime Time
At home